The resources below provide context to the settlement and guidance as applicants consider where and what programs/activities to apply. The information should assist the applicants in the following:
- understanding the need for certain types of prevention, treatment, harm reduction and recovery support services that are evidence-based and critical to the state and system (Opioid Use Continuum of Care)
- epidemiological overdose data by county and a gap analysis of services not currently offered to understand the extent of the problem in certain areas and the lack of resources.
All the resources should provide applicants critical details when considering the type of service/activities they are considering in their application and data sources to justify the need and purpose.
Notice of Funding Opportunity - The Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) officially gives notice of all aspects of the grant process, including applicant eligibility requirements, acceptable uses of funds, application requirements, scoring rubric and reporting requirements if awarded.
Scoring Rubric - The scoring tool that explicitly represents the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work. A rubric divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery.
Georgia Opioid Resource Toolkit - The Resource Toolkit provides all stakeholders an overview of the Trust’s decision-making process, including how the Trustee, GOSAC, RACs, QBGs and local governments implement the Settlement Agreements and Georgia MOU. The Resource Toolkit’s attachments provide greater detail as follows:
- Attachment A - Governance Program Charter
- Attachment B - Georgia MOU for Manufacturers and Distributors Settlements
- Attachment C - Georgia Recommended Continuum of Care
Risk Assessment Instructions - This guide is designed to aid in the risk assessment portion of the application. Applicants who request funding over $500,000, must submit a response to the risk assessment questionnaire. The assessment will be used to evaluate project risk associated with the grant application.
Virtual Workshop Recording - This is a recording of the virtual workshop that explains grant criteria, application process, and timeline of the first round of settlement fund grants.
Workshop Presentation Slides - This is a PowerPoint presentation that has been presented during the Opioid Trust workshops providing details of the grant criteria, application process, and timeline of the first round of settlement fund grants.
Gap Analysis Continuum of Care (COC) Reports - On behalf of the Trustee, DBHDD developed a proposed Opioid Use Disorder Continuum of Care (CoC) to be considered within the context of applicants of the Georgia Opioid Settlement. DBHDD reviewed the current publicly funded system as it relates to the CoC to identify gaps within the system at the county/regional levels. In addition, epidemiological overdose death and ED admission data was provided to map areas of concern. The purpose of this gap analysis is to inform the public and potential applicants of current resources, missing provisions of service, and the extent of overdose prevalence in certain areas with the intent of assisting them with targeted approaches and geographical targets.